When purchasing our licenses, depending on the license that you choose you will be able to share it with different artists and independent contractors through a cloud.
When purchasing our products you can be sure you own it forever including any future updates coming out and you will be allowed to use them across all projects and bidding presentations of your choosing.
After purchasing personal License
you may use it in personal projects or for
educational purposes as well as non
commercial teaching purposes.
After purchasing Educational/Commercial License you gain access to “3dreamlibrary products” which would allow the teaching facility to gain revenue through training with use of the “3dreamlibrary products”.
To place a custom purchase request that can be done by directly contacting us at:
with a topic title:
(example: PolishFilmSchool_educationalCommercial)
We usually respond within 24hours with a quote, however we do our best to respond right away.
After purchasing the Freelance license, the “3dreamlibrary products” may be stored and hosted on any internal server. It may not be hosted in the cloud based server.
You agree that use of the “3dreamlibrary products”
under the Freelance License shall not exceed more than ten (10) employees on full time including contractors and other staff members, nor shall the “3dreamlibrary products” be used by any individual on behalf of any studio, company, and/or any separate entity. You may use the kit on commercial projects while working as a freelancer hired by a studio but you may not use a freelance
license on studio projects as a staffed artist at that studio.
After purchasing under the Studio License, the
“3dreamlibrary products” may be stored and hosted on your server.
Under the Studio license, the
“3dreamlibrary products” may be purchased
only by studios with eleven (11) or more employees
in total, including full time employees as well as
independent contractors.
Purchase allows for reusability across the site
which it was originally purchased from.​
Are you purchasing a larger number of assets?
Ask us for a personalised offer.
Email us the following information:
1. Which bundles you would like to purchase
2. What content: Models, Textures or Shaders
3. What license you would like to purchase.
What is the name of the studio for which you
are purchasing it for. To receive a quote
please email us at:
with a studioName_VIP_Quote
(example: movingFramePicturesVol3_VIP_Quote).
We do our best to respond right away, but if not,
we respond with a quote within 24 hours.